Wednesday, 6 April 2011


  • The size of the Artic Foxes are 76 cm to 1,10 m in lenght, in addition to their 30 cm tail.

  • It has got 20 cm to 30 cm tall.

  • Its weight is 2,9 - 95 KG .Famale Artic Foxes tend to be smaller then males.

  • Its lifespan of the Artic Fox are usually around 3 to 6 years.

  • The Artic Foxes haven't got a diet , they are opportunistic.

  • The Artic Foxes lives in the Rtic tundra , trought Alaska , Canada , Greenland , Russia,Norway , Scandanavia and even Iceland

  • It is in ENDANGERED.

This is a video of the Artic Fox and his habitat.